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I will not be corrupt and I will not tolerate corruption in others. -
His Majesty The King
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["Ability Bhutan Society","Agency for Promotion of Indigenous Crafts","Ani Choeten Zangmo Foundation","Anti-Corruption Commission","Army Welfare Project Limited","Arya Taray Foundation","Association of Bhutanese Industries","Association of Bhutanese Tour Operators","Ati Foundation","Bank of Bhutan Limited","Bar Council of Bhutan - Moved to RCJ","Bayul Kunzang Yoesel Chhoeling Foundation","Bhutan Agro Industries Limited","Bhutan Alternative Dispute Resolution Centre","Bhutan Animal Rescue and Care","Bhutan Association of Women Entrepreneurs (BAOWE)","Bhutan Board Product Limited","Bhutan Broadcasting Services Corporation Limited","Bhutan Cancer Society","Bhutan Carbide & Chemicals Limited","Bhutan Centre for Media and Democracy (BCMD)","Bhutan Chamber of Commerce & Industry","Bhutan Civil Aviation Authority","Bhutan Council for School Examination and Assessment","Bhutan Development Bank Limited","Bhutan Duty Free Limited","Bhutan Ecological Society","Bhutan Ferro Alloys Limited","Bhutan Film Institute","Bhutan Health Trust Fund -moved to subagency","Bhutan Hydropower Services Limited","Bhutan Information Communications & Media Authority - moved to MoICE","Bhutan Insurance Limited","Bhutan Kidney Foundation","Bhutan Kuen-Nyam Party","Bhutan Livestock Development Corp. Limited","Bhutan Lottery Limited","Bhutan Lottery Limited","Bhutan Media Foundation","Bhutan Medical Health Council - moved to subagency","Bhutan Narcotic Control Authority","Bhutan National Bank Limited","Bhutan National Legal Institute - Moved to RCJ","Bhutan Network for Empowering Women (BNEW)","Bhutan Olympic Committee","Bhutan Polymers Company Limited","Bhutan Postal Corporation Limited","Bhutan Power Corporation Limited","Bhutan Power System Operator","Bhutan Standards Bureau - moved to MoICE","Bhutan Stroke Foundation","Bhutan Taxi Association","Bhutan Telecom Corporation Limited","Bhutan Tendrel Party","Bhutan Toilet Organization","Bhutan Tourism Corporation Limited","Bhutan Transparency Initiative","Bhutan Trust Fund for Environmental Conservation","Bhutan Youth Development Fund (YDF)","Bumthang Dzongkhag","Bumthang Health Association","Bumthang Only","Cabinet Secretariat","Centre for Bhutan Studies and GNH Research","Centre for Research on Bhutanese Society","Chhoedeypung Do-ngag Shedrup Gatshel Chhoeling Chhoetshok","Chhoethuen Nyangpi Zhabtoy Chhoetshok","Chhokhor Foundation","Chithuen Phendhey Association","Chiya Rashung Gomdey Chhoetshok","Chukha Dzongkhag","City Bus Services","Civil Society Organization Authority","Clean Bhutan","College of Language and Cultural Studies","College of Natural Resources, RUB","College of Science and Technology","Commission for Religious Organization","Construction Association of Bhutan","Construction Development Board","Construction Development Corporation Limited","Credit Information Bureau of Bhutan","Dagachhu Hydropower Corporation Limited","Dagana Dzongkhag","Dechenchholing Chhoetshog","Deer Park","Department of Financial Regulation and Supervision","Deyling Terserling Chhodey","Dharma Dodey Foundation","Dhorling Foundation","Disabled Persons' Association of Bhutan","Do ngak Lotus Foundation","Do-Nga Tenpa Rabgayling Chhoetshok","Do-ngag Choekhorling Foundation","Do-ngag Yoesel Chhoeling Foundation","Doed-Jom Terling Chhoedey","Dolma Yoezer Khachabling Choetshok","Dongak Kuenzang Choeling Choetshok","Draktsho Vocational Training Center for Special Children and Youth","Dratshang Lhentshog","Droduel Donga Phendeyling Chhoetshok","Droduel Pemakara Terling Chhoetshok","Droduel Phendeyling Chhoetshok","Droduel Sagna Choling Chhoetshok","Drug Regulatory Authority - moved to MoH","Druk Ani Foundation","Druk Bazayana Foundation","Druk Dhyana Foundation","Druk Ewam Foundation","Druk Ferro Alloys Limited","Druk Green Power Corporation Limited","Druk Holding & Investments","Druk Kirat Chhoetshok","Druk Manav Choetshok","Druk Nangpai Zhunu Tshogpa","Druk Nyamrub Tshogpa","Druk Nyamrub Tshogpa","Druk Nyoki Foundation","Druk Odiyana Foundation","Druk Phunsum Tshogpa","Druk PNB Limited","Druk Thuendrel Tshogpa","Druk Wang Alloys Limited","Druk Zhiday Moenlam Chhenmo","Drukair Corporation Limited","DrukSatair Corporation Limited","Dudjom Foundation","Duedjom Terser Chhoetshog","Duedroi Rangwang Zhidey Tshogpa","Dungmin Phendhey Choeling Foundation","Dungsum Cement Corporation Limited","Dungsum Polymers Limited","Dungyel Rangdroel Drubchen Lotak Thuentshok","Dzongkha Development Commission","Election Commission","Electricity Regulatory Authority","En-dum Chholing Chhoetshog","Evaluation Association of Bhutan","Farm Machinery Corporation Limited","Film Association of Bhutan","Financial Institutions Association of Bhutan","Financial Institutions Training Institute","Food Corporation of Bhutan Limited","Gasa Dzongkhag","Gaykar Tashi Thongjaling Chhoetshok","Gedu College of Business Studies","Gelephu Thromde","Gerab Nyedy Yon","GIC Bhutan Reinsurance Co. Limited","GNH Centre Bhutan","Government Technology (GovTech)","GovTech","Green Bhutan Corporation Limited","Gross National Happiness Commission","Guide Association of Bhutan","Guru Chowang Foundation","Gyalpozhing College of Information Technology","Gyalsung Infra","Gyalyum Charitable Trust","Haa Dzongkhag","Handicrafts Association of Bhutan","Hindu Dharma Samadaya","His Majesty's Secretariat","His Majestys Secretariat","Hotel & Restaurant Association of Bhutan","International Organizations","itechnologies","Jamgoen Foundation","Jamyang Khenpa","Jamyang Khenpailing Chhoetshok","Jangsa Animal Saving Trust","Jarungkhashore Foundation","Jew Dadoling Foundation","Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital (JDWNRH)","Jigme Namgyel Engineering College","Jigme Singye Wangchuck School of Law","Jigmed Lingpa Foundation","Jigten Wangchuk Tshogpa","Journalists Association of Bhutan","Kadak Ling Chhoetshog","Karma Leksheling Chhodey","Karmadupdey Goenpi Chhoedey","Kathog Yosel Samtenling Chhoetshok","Khahor Goenpa Choetshok","Khamsum Namdroel Chhoetshog","Khedrup Foundation","Khesar Gyalpo University of Medical Sciences of Bhutan","Khew Chung Lo-tsa ling Chhoetshog","KholongChhu Hydro Energy Limited","Kilaya Foundation","Koufuku International Limited","Kuenphen Yoeseling Foundation","Kuensel Corporation Limited","Kuenzang Youesel Choling Chhoetshog","Labsum Sangag Rabtenling Chhoetshok","Lauri Thekchok Shedrupling Chhoetshok","Lhak-Sam","Lhomon Society\/Samdrup Jongkhar Initiative","Lhuendrup Chholing Chhoetshok","Lhuntse Dzongkhag","Loden Foundation","Longchen Center","Mahayana Nangchoe Foundation","Mangdechhu Hydropower Plant","Mani Foundation","Media Council","Member of National Assembly ","Member of National Council ","Menjong Foundation","Menjong Sorig Pharmaceuticals Corp. Limited","MicroFinance Institution","Milarepa Foundation","Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock","Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock","Ministry of Education and Skills Development","Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources","Ministry of Finance","Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade","Ministry of Health","Ministry of Home Affairs","Ministry of Industry Commerce and Employment","Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Employment","Ministry of Information & Communications","Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport","Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, Bhutan Civil Aviation Authority","Ministry of Labour & Human Resources","Mongar Dzongkhag","Music of Bhutan Research Centre","Nampar Nangzey Association","Namthee Tashi Chholing Chhoetshog","Nangpai Chethuen Foundation","Nangpai Chithuen Zhiyshog","National Assembly Secretariat","National Center for Hydrology and Meteorology (NCHM)","National Commission for Women & Children","National Council Secretariat","National CSI Development Bank Limited","National Environment Commission","National Film Commission","National Housing Development Corporation Limited","National Land Commission","National Medical Services","National Pension & Provident Fund","National Statistics Bureau","Natural Resource Development Corporation Limited","Nazhoen Lamtoen","New","Neyphug Foundation","Nga-jur Gomdey Chhodey","Ngajur Pemai Ringluk Foundation","Ngayab Pelri Foundation","Ngayap Pema Woling Foundation","Ngyala Ugyen Dargaycholing Foundation","Non Governemental Organizations","Norbuling Riter College","Nyingma Foundation","Office of the Attorney General","Ogyen Choling Foundation","Organization for Youth Empowerment","Organization for Youth Empowerment","Others","Pangthang Samdrup Chholing Chhoetshok","Paro College of Education","Paro Dzongkhag","Pedling Choeki Gatshel","Pedma Jeyjug","Pel Drukdraling Foundation","Pel lha Choeden Zhitshog","Pelrig Pema Choling Chhoetshok","Pema Chhoeling Donga Tenpiling Gomdey","Pema Choling Gayjor Centre","Pema Gatshel Dzongkhag","Pema Lingpa Foundation","Pema Sambava Foundation","Pema Woeselling Choetshok","Pemai Rangdang Association","Penden Cement Authority Limited","People's Democratic Party","Petsheling Jangchub Pelri Sangna Dorji Thek-pi Chhoetshok","Phak-chok Samdrup Choling Chhotshok","Phuentsholing Thromde","Phuntsho Chholing Chhoetshok","Phuntsho San-nga Chholing Chhoetshok","Phuntsholing Sports Association","Punakha Dzongkhag","Punatshangchhu-I Hydroelectric Project Authority","Punatshangchhu-II Hydroelectric Project Authority","Rangjung Foundation","RENEW (Respect, Educate, Nurture and Empower Women)","Rigde Maha Guru Chhoetshok","Rigzin Gatshel Choetshok","Royal Audit Authority","Royal Bhutan Army","Royal Bhutan Helicopter Services Limited","Royal Bhutan Police","Royal Body Guard","Royal Civil Service Commission","Royal Court of Justice","Royal Education Council","Royal Institute of Management","Royal Insurance Corporation Limited","Royal Monetary Authority","Royal Monetary Authority (DFRS)","Royal Privy Council","Royal Securities Exchange of Bhutan Limited","Royal Society for Protection and Care of Animals","Royal Society for Protection of Nature (RSPN)","Royal Society for Senior Citizens","Royal Textile Academy","Royal Thimphu College","Royal University of Bhutan","SAARC Business Association of Home Based Workers","Samdrup Choeling Chhoetshok","Samdrup Choling Foundation","Samdrup Goen Chhoetshok","Samdrup Jongkhar Dzongkhag","Samdrup Jongkhar Thromde","Samgu Drupai Foundation","Samten Chhozang-ling Chhoetshok","Samtse College of Education","Samtse Dzongkhag","Samzang Phendhey Tshogpa","San-nga Chhoekhor Do-nga Tenpiling Chhoedey","Sangay Choling Foundation","Sangay Mejurling Chhoetshok","Sangchen Pema Gatshel Chhoetshok","Sangnga Jinpi Chhoetshog","Sarpang Dzongkhag","Secretariat of His Majesty The Fourth Druk Gyalpo","Semchen Tshe-ther Tshokpa","Sersang Pvt. Ltd.","Shechen Choetshok","Shedrup Chholing Chhoetshok","Sherubtse College","State Mining Corporation Limited","State Trading Corporation of Bhutan Limited","Supreme Court of Bhutan","T Bank Limited","Tangsibji Hydro Energy Limited","Tarayana Foundation","Tashi Chholing Gomdey","Tashi Choling Chhoetshok","Terchen Dorji Lingpai Chhoetshog","Thangtong Aami Deywa Foundation","The Pema","The PEMA Secretariat","The Prime Minister & Cabinet Members ","Thekchok Kuenzang Choling Chhoetshok","Thimphu Dzongkhag","Thimphu Techpark Limited","Thimphu Thromde","Thonphu Goenpa Longchen Nyingthig Chhoetshok","Thukten Sanga Tenpiling Chhoetshok","Thukten Sannga Tenpiling Chhoetshok","Ting-zin Drawa Chhoetshok","Ton Chhos Khor","Tourism Council of Bhutan","Trashi Yangtse Dzongkhag","Trashigang Dzongkhag","Trongsa Dzongkhag","Tseungoen Pema Yoebarling Foundation","Tsho Tsalo Do-ngag Chhoeling Foundation","Tshokey Dorji Foundation","Tsirang Dzongkhag","Ugyen Chholing Chhoetshok","Ugyen Do-nga Choeling Chhoetshok","Ugyen Gatshel Chhodey","Ugyen Kunzang Thekchok Rabgayling Chhoetshok","Ugyen Pedjung Sedi Dungdrup Tshogchung","Ugyen Pema Zangdo Pelri Chhoetshok","Ugyen Samdrup Chhoeling Chhoetshok","Ugyen Sangdag wangchen Dorji Choegar","Ugyen Yoetselling Chhoetshok","Vast-Bhutan","Wam-goen Chhoetshok","Wangdue Dzongkhag","Wongthik Dungker Chholing Chhoetshog","Yoesal Mindroling Foundation","Yonphula Centenary College","Yudra Gatsheling Foundation","Zabmo Zhijoed Choedyuel Juetzin Gatsheling","Zhabjee Foundation","Zhemgang Dzongkhag","Zhideyling Chhoetshog","Zhung Dratshang"]
Ability Bhutan Society
Agency for Promotion of Indigenous Crafts
Ani Choeten Zangmo Foundation
Anti-Corruption Commission
Army Welfare Project Limited
Arya Taray Foundation
Association of Bhutanese Industries
Association of Bhutanese Tour Operators
Ati Foundation
Bank of Bhutan Limited
Bar Council of Bhutan - Moved to RCJ
Bayul Kunzang Yoesel Chhoeling Foundation
Bhutan Agro Industries Limited
Bhutan Alternative Dispute Resolution Centre
Bhutan Animal Rescue and Care
Bhutan Association of Women Entrepreneurs (BAOWE)
Bhutan Board Product Limited
Bhutan Broadcasting Services Corporation Limited
Bhutan Cancer Society
Bhutan Carbide & Chemicals Limited
Bhutan Centre for Media and Democracy (BCMD)
Bhutan Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Bhutan Civil Aviation Authority
Bhutan Council for School Examination and Assessment
Bhutan Development Bank Limited
Bhutan Duty Free Limited
Bhutan Ecological Society
Bhutan Ferro Alloys Limited
Bhutan Film Institute
Bhutan Health Trust Fund -moved to subagency
Bhutan Hydropower Services Limited
Bhutan Information Communications & Media Authority - moved to MoICE
Bhutan Insurance Limited
Bhutan Kidney Foundation
Bhutan Kuen-Nyam Party
Bhutan Livestock Development Corp. Limited
Bhutan Lottery Limited
Bhutan Lottery Limited
Bhutan Media Foundation
Bhutan Medical Health Council - moved to subagency
Bhutan Narcotic Control Authority
Bhutan National Bank Limited
Bhutan National Legal Institute - Moved to RCJ
Bhutan Network for Empowering Women (BNEW)
Bhutan Olympic Committee
Bhutan Polymers Company Limited
Bhutan Postal Corporation Limited
Bhutan Power Corporation Limited
Bhutan Power System Operator
Bhutan Standards Bureau - moved to MoICE
Bhutan Stroke Foundation
Bhutan Taxi Association
Bhutan Telecom Corporation Limited
Bhutan Tendrel Party
Bhutan Toilet Organization
Bhutan Tourism Corporation Limited
Bhutan Transparency Initiative
Bhutan Trust Fund for Environmental Conservation
Bhutan Youth Development Fund (YDF)
Bumthang Dzongkhag
Bumthang Health Association
Bumthang Only
Cabinet Secretariat
Centre for Bhutan Studies and GNH Research
Centre for Research on Bhutanese Society
Chhoedeypung Do-ngag Shedrup Gatshel Chhoeling Chhoetshok
Chhoethuen Nyangpi Zhabtoy Chhoetshok
Chhokhor Foundation
Chithuen Phendhey Association
Chiya Rashung Gomdey Chhoetshok
Chukha Dzongkhag
City Bus Services
Civil Society Organization Authority
Clean Bhutan
College of Language and Cultural Studies
College of Natural Resources, RUB
College of Science and Technology
Commission for Religious Organization
Construction Association of Bhutan
Construction Development Board
Construction Development Corporation Limited
Credit Information Bureau of Bhutan
Dagachhu Hydropower Corporation Limited
Dagana Dzongkhag
Dechenchholing Chhoetshog
Deer Park
Department of Financial Regulation and Supervision
Deyling Terserling Chhodey
Dharma Dodey Foundation
Dhorling Foundation
Disabled Persons' Association of Bhutan
Do ngak Lotus Foundation
Do-Nga Tenpa Rabgayling Chhoetshok
Do-ngag Choekhorling Foundation
Do-ngag Yoesel Chhoeling Foundation
Doed-Jom Terling Chhoedey
Dolma Yoezer Khachabling Choetshok
Dongak Kuenzang Choeling Choetshok
Draktsho Vocational Training Center for Special Children and Youth
Dratshang Lhentshog
Droduel Donga Phendeyling Chhoetshok
Droduel Pemakara Terling Chhoetshok
Droduel Phendeyling Chhoetshok
Droduel Sagna Choling Chhoetshok
Drug Regulatory Authority - moved to MoH
Druk Ani Foundation
Druk Bazayana Foundation
Druk Dhyana Foundation
Druk Ewam Foundation
Druk Ferro Alloys Limited
Druk Green Power Corporation Limited
Druk Holding & Investments
Druk Kirat Chhoetshok
Druk Manav Choetshok
Druk Nangpai Zhunu Tshogpa
Druk Nyamrub Tshogpa
Druk Nyamrub Tshogpa
Druk Nyoki Foundation
Druk Odiyana Foundation
Druk Phunsum Tshogpa
Druk PNB Limited
Druk Thuendrel Tshogpa
Druk Wang Alloys Limited
Druk Zhiday Moenlam Chhenmo
Drukair Corporation Limited
DrukSatair Corporation Limited
Dudjom Foundation
Duedjom Terser Chhoetshog
Duedroi Rangwang Zhidey Tshogpa
Dungmin Phendhey Choeling Foundation
Dungsum Cement Corporation Limited
Dungsum Polymers Limited
Dungyel Rangdroel Drubchen Lotak Thuentshok
Dzongkha Development Commission
Election Commission
Electricity Regulatory Authority
En-dum Chholing Chhoetshog
Evaluation Association of Bhutan
Farm Machinery Corporation Limited
Film Association of Bhutan
Financial Institutions Association of Bhutan
Financial Institutions Training Institute
Food Corporation of Bhutan Limited
Gasa Dzongkhag
Gaykar Tashi Thongjaling Chhoetshok
Gedu College of Business Studies
Gelephu Thromde
Gerab Nyedy Yon
GIC Bhutan Reinsurance Co. Limited
GNH Centre Bhutan
Government Technology (GovTech)
Green Bhutan Corporation Limited
Gross National Happiness Commission
Guide Association of Bhutan
Guru Chowang Foundation
Gyalpozhing College of Information Technology
Gyalsung Infra
Gyalyum Charitable Trust
Haa Dzongkhag
Handicrafts Association of Bhutan
Hindu Dharma Samadaya
His Majesty's Secretariat
His Majestys Secretariat
Hotel & Restaurant Association of Bhutan
International Organizations
Jamgoen Foundation
Jamyang Khenpa
Jamyang Khenpailing Chhoetshok
Jangsa Animal Saving Trust
Jarungkhashore Foundation
Jew Dadoling Foundation
Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital (JDWNRH)
Jigme Namgyel Engineering College
Jigme Singye Wangchuck School of Law
Jigmed Lingpa Foundation
Jigten Wangchuk Tshogpa
Journalists Association of Bhutan
Kadak Ling Chhoetshog
Karma Leksheling Chhodey
Karmadupdey Goenpi Chhoedey
Kathog Yosel Samtenling Chhoetshok
Khahor Goenpa Choetshok
Khamsum Namdroel Chhoetshog
Khedrup Foundation
Khesar Gyalpo University of Medical Sciences of Bhutan
Khew Chung Lo-tsa ling Chhoetshog
KholongChhu Hydro Energy Limited
Kilaya Foundation
Koufuku International Limited
Kuenphen Yoeseling Foundation
Kuensel Corporation Limited
Kuenzang Youesel Choling Chhoetshog
Labsum Sangag Rabtenling Chhoetshok
Lauri Thekchok Shedrupling Chhoetshok
Lhomon Society/Samdrup Jongkhar Initiative
Lhuendrup Chholing Chhoetshok
Lhuntse Dzongkhag
Loden Foundation
Longchen Center
Mahayana Nangchoe Foundation
Mangdechhu Hydropower Plant
Mani Foundation
Media Council
Member of National Assembly
Member of National Council
Menjong Foundation
Menjong Sorig Pharmaceuticals Corp. Limited
MicroFinance Institution
Milarepa Foundation
Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock
Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock
Ministry of Education and Skills Development
Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Home Affairs
Ministry of Industry Commerce and Employment
Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Employment
Ministry of Information & Communications
Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport
Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, Bhutan Civil Aviation Authority
Ministry of Labour & Human Resources
Mongar Dzongkhag
Music of Bhutan Research Centre
Nampar Nangzey Association
Namthee Tashi Chholing Chhoetshog
Nangpai Chethuen Foundation
Nangpai Chithuen Zhiyshog
National Assembly Secretariat
National Center for Hydrology and Meteorology (NCHM)
National Commission for Women & Children
National Council Secretariat
National CSI Development Bank Limited
National Environment Commission
National Film Commission
National Housing Development Corporation Limited
National Land Commission
National Medical Services
National Pension & Provident Fund
National Statistics Bureau
Natural Resource Development Corporation Limited
Nazhoen Lamtoen
Neyphug Foundation
Nga-jur Gomdey Chhodey
Ngajur Pemai Ringluk Foundation
Ngayab Pelri Foundation
Ngayap Pema Woling Foundation
Ngyala Ugyen Dargaycholing Foundation
Non Governemental Organizations
Norbuling Riter College
Nyingma Foundation
Office of the Attorney General
Ogyen Choling Foundation
Organization for Youth Empowerment
Organization for Youth Empowerment
Pangthang Samdrup Chholing Chhoetshok
Paro College of Education
Paro Dzongkhag
Pedling Choeki Gatshel
Pedma Jeyjug
Pel Drukdraling Foundation
Pel lha Choeden Zhitshog
Pelrig Pema Choling Chhoetshok
Pema Chhoeling Donga Tenpiling Gomdey
Pema Choling Gayjor Centre
Pema Gatshel Dzongkhag
Pema Lingpa Foundation
Pema Sambava Foundation
Pema Woeselling Choetshok
Pemai Rangdang Association
Penden Cement Authority Limited
People's Democratic Party
Petsheling Jangchub Pelri Sangna Dorji Thek-pi Chhoetshok
Phak-chok Samdrup Choling Chhotshok
Phuentsholing Thromde
Phuntsho Chholing Chhoetshok
Phuntsho San-nga Chholing Chhoetshok
Phuntsholing Sports Association
Punakha Dzongkhag
Punatshangchhu-I Hydroelectric Project Authority
Punatshangchhu-II Hydroelectric Project Authority
Rangjung Foundation
RENEW (Respect, Educate, Nurture and Empower Women)
Rigde Maha Guru Chhoetshok
Rigzin Gatshel Choetshok
Royal Audit Authority
Royal Bhutan Army
Royal Bhutan Helicopter Services Limited
Royal Bhutan Police
Royal Body Guard
Royal Civil Service Commission
Royal Court of Justice
Royal Education Council
Royal Institute of Management
Royal Insurance Corporation Limited
Royal Monetary Authority
Royal Monetary Authority (DFRS)
Royal Privy Council
Royal Securities Exchange of Bhutan Limited
Royal Society for Protection and Care of Animals
Royal Society for Protection of Nature (RSPN)
Royal Society for Senior Citizens
Royal Textile Academy
Royal Thimphu College
Royal University of Bhutan
SAARC Business Association of Home Based Workers
Samdrup Choeling Chhoetshok
Samdrup Choling Foundation
Samdrup Goen Chhoetshok
Samdrup Jongkhar Dzongkhag
Samdrup Jongkhar Thromde
Samgu Drupai Foundation
Samten Chhozang-ling Chhoetshok
Samtse College of Education
Samtse Dzongkhag
Samzang Phendhey Tshogpa
San-nga Chhoekhor Do-nga Tenpiling Chhoedey
Sangay Choling Foundation
Sangay Mejurling Chhoetshok
Sangchen Pema Gatshel Chhoetshok
Sangnga Jinpi Chhoetshog
Sarpang Dzongkhag
Secretariat of His Majesty The Fourth Druk Gyalpo
Semchen Tshe-ther Tshokpa
Sersang Pvt. Ltd.
Shechen Choetshok
Shedrup Chholing Chhoetshok
Sherubtse College
State Mining Corporation Limited
State Trading Corporation of Bhutan Limited
Supreme Court of Bhutan
T Bank Limited
Tangsibji Hydro Energy Limited
Tarayana Foundation
Tashi Chholing Gomdey
Tashi Choling Chhoetshok
Terchen Dorji Lingpai Chhoetshog
Thangtong Aami Deywa Foundation
The Pema
The PEMA Secretariat
The Prime Minister & Cabinet Members
Thekchok Kuenzang Choling Chhoetshok
Thimphu Dzongkhag
Thimphu Techpark Limited
Thimphu Thromde
Thonphu Goenpa Longchen Nyingthig Chhoetshok
Thukten Sanga Tenpiling Chhoetshok
Thukten Sannga Tenpiling Chhoetshok
Ting-zin Drawa Chhoetshok
Ton Chhos Khor
Tourism Council of Bhutan
Trashi Yangtse Dzongkhag
Trashigang Dzongkhag
Trongsa Dzongkhag
Tseungoen Pema Yoebarling Foundation
Tsho Tsalo Do-ngag Chhoeling Foundation
Tshokey Dorji Foundation
Tsirang Dzongkhag
Ugyen Chholing Chhoetshok
Ugyen Do-nga Choeling Chhoetshok
Ugyen Gatshel Chhodey
Ugyen Kunzang Thekchok Rabgayling Chhoetshok
Ugyen Pedjung Sedi Dungdrup Tshogchung
Ugyen Pema Zangdo Pelri Chhoetshok
Ugyen Samdrup Chhoeling Chhoetshok
Ugyen Sangdag wangchen Dorji Choegar
Ugyen Yoetselling Chhoetshok
Wam-goen Chhoetshok
Wangdue Dzongkhag
Wongthik Dungker Chholing Chhoetshog
Yoesal Mindroling Foundation
Yonphula Centenary College
Yudra Gatsheling Foundation
Zabmo Zhijoed Choedyuel Juetzin Gatsheling
Zhabjee Foundation
Zhemgang Dzongkhag
Zhideyling Chhoetshog
Zhung Dratshang
Designation/Position Title
Position Level/Grade
Contact No.
Email ID.
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